Profil appartenant à Andrea González Esteche

Smart Filtration Infused Knitwear

Smart Filtration Infused Knitwear (Kent State University Fashion Tech Hackaton design winner 2020)
Project worked with an amazing team of Fashion Designers, Fashion Manager and industrial Design team creating a design to help combat the air quality issues that Australia is currently having for the Kent State Fashion tech hackathon 2020, winning in the knitting design product for social justice and sustainable category. The air quality there is equivalent to smoking 37 cigarettes, so we've created a filter that will protect the mouth, nose and eyes.
We were  able to program a circuit to emulate different colored lights and sounds to let the wearer know what the air quality is like, as well as use Bluetooth to send push notifications to your phone. The filter that goes in can be customizable and has aromatherapy infused in it to help calm wearers in those stressful situations. Notice the design on the back is actually the typography of where the fires in Australia are currently. This can be used for other areas as where with terrible air quality that's been affected by pollution as well as protecting others from spreading sickness.
Smart Filtration Infused Knitwear
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Smart Filtration Infused Knitwear

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