This website was created to promote a local cycling club. The project focused on crafting a creative user experience for the viewer. With attractive user interface and unique user experience, the website is able to attract the viewers to spend more time on exploring the information in the cycling website and most importantly, joining the club.

Based on research, we collected facts and data to help identify the problems that could be solved/changed in creating the website. First of all, most cycling clubs like to conduct cycling trips at touristic spots. Secondly, parallax website is the current trending format for a website. Lastly, the experience and animation of a parallax scrolling provides the users a brand new experience in web exploration.                
The parallax scrolling website was programmed to scroll in a unique circle loop. Different page section are designed with different tourist spots in Malaysia. When the website is scrolling, and the character is cycling through, the audience will experience a sense of movement which takes them on a tour through Malaysia. I was proud that my team and I were able to create and produce a high standard of finishing with this website whilst self learning the programming language.
Technology & Craft:
The website was programmed in Adobe Dreamweaver, styled with CSS and programmed with JavaScripts. The illustrations were designed in Adobe Illustrator.
Ride Like Hell (website)

Ride Like Hell (website)

A school project for creating this website with a team of 3.



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