Alphee the If-It® is fire resistant.
Billee the If-It® has xray vision.    
CaMel the If-It® can absorb power and extract it.
Elgaphant the If-It® is a literary manipulator.
Frankee the If-It® is a mind reader.
Gullee the If-It® can deflect actions of others.
Hedgee the If-It® is hyper speedy and likes lollipops.
Gullee the If-It® can deflect actions of others.
Jacobee the If-It® can copy others powers.
Kokee the If-It® is hypnotic (his spots cause the hypnosis)
LeeMee the If-It® is a teleporter
MooMoo the If-It® is able to detect danger before it arrives.
Numbee the If-It® is a dream leaper, best friend is the ant and is the power source for this if-it.
Ollee the If-It® has a strong force field.
Pollee the If-It® has night vision.
Quillee the If-It® turns objects into stone with her tail.
ReeCee the If-It® can fly long distances.
SeeSee the If-It® has the ability to be invisible. Also likes to play with plastic bottle tops.
Umbee the If-It® uses his mind to crush objects.
Villee the If-It® has the ability to clone all if-its.
Wallee the If-It® is a wise old soul and can predict the future.
ZeeKee the If-It® uses stripes to make holding cells.
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