Perfil de Cora Blades

Sunlit Literary Festival Poster

Sunlit Literary Festival Poster by Cora Blades
Design Challenge:
For this project I had the challenge of creating a poster using a typeface that I created to help advertise an event of my choice. I found it difficult to find the right event that matched with my typeface. After playing around with a couple different ideas I settled on a literary festival in a city that is young and very art oriented. This event is for the whole family so I wanted that to play a role in my design and portray a very welcoming setting for the poster. Having to translate the text for the event in a tasteful manner was difficult for me because I chose to use so much text. However the format I chose satisfied me in the end because it complimented the rectangular structures of the buildings in the background.

Design Solution: 
The color palette I chose was very important to me. I spent so long messing with the colors to find just the right shades that went together. I wanted the color to be what made this poster feel very welcoming and inviting to the person viewing it. As far as my design for the poster goes, I chose a cityscape because the event itself is a smorgasbord of different activities and I couldn't just pick one. As well, the people that put the event together proud themselves in the fact that it brings the whole city together for the weekend. I drew in the colors from the design in the typeface design and also in the dates on each event heading, which made the poster look more cohesive. Since my typeface was so thin, I thickened the line just a little bit and added a second copy of each letter next to the first one in color to make it have more dimmension. For my text that wasn't my Clipper typeface I chose to use the type family Gitan Latin. This typeface I felt complimented my Clipper typeface because it was similar in design without and fancy details. Overall, I think I accomplished my goal of creating a poster that invites everyone to attend the event.

Sunlit Literary Festival Poster
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Sunlit Literary Festival Poster

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