Project 1 Poster designs:     
For this Project, we were to represent concepts about the food industry. I decided to do my posters over sustainability through community gardens. I wanted to inform people about the benefits of community gardens. I decided to discuss community gardens because I love to garden myself, and I wanted to get more people interested in gardening. I established three types of food involved in community gardening: fruits, vegetables, and herbs.
Matrices (Visual Research): 
I started by finding images for visual research to find what I wanted to use for my icons. I looked at fruits, vegetables, and grains. I ended up switching grains with herbs.
Sketches for Icons:
For the Sketches I wanted to create an icon that was recognizable without color or words. 
These were the 9 icons I decided to use in the poster designs. 
First Designs: 
These were the first iterations of the posters after the critique I realized that there were several things not working in these posters, and decided to restart. 
Mockup and Final Designs: 
I wanted people to be attracted to the poster by the colors and icons that were on it and hopefully read more of the information on the poster.
I thought this project was very helpful, and showed me that design not only has to look good, but the design has to be purposeful.  I Learned more about how to use adobe illustrator. 
community gardens
公開日 :

community gardens

Poster designs for my graphic design class The benefits and sustainability through community gardens

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