Clicker| variable size | dog feeding machine and jelly beans| 2019
Clicker, 2019

  In this project I show how modern people react to the ‘click’ sound of going online. In the internet age, we do not enter ‘relationships’ but we enter ‘online.’ Whenever we want, we can go online and enjoy relationships as much as we want to bond; Whenever we want to disconnect we can just click one button and sever ties. When we need people, we use them but we do not endure the inconvenience and sacrifice coming from human relationships. With one click we eliminate relationships and we can take away parts that do not satisfy our needs. That is why the modern man never can be lonely. Therefore, the light ‘click’ sound of pressing a button is a sweet sound that dispels loneliness by connecting and disconnecting at any point of his liking, whenever and wherever he wants, and satisfies his needs; modern people react to the clicking sound and desire more clicks and become addicted to this sound. The modern man is trained to have positive reinforcement towards the ‘click’ sound. Like Pavlov’s Dogs that salivate at the sound of the bell, we resemble dogs that await rewards due to positive memories associated with the clicking sound. 
Detail cut - Clicker| variable size | dog feeding machine and jelly beans| 2019
Clicker| 00'31'' |video work| 2019
Clicker| variable size | dog feeding machine and jelly beans| 2019
Work in process – Clicker| 2019
Work in process – Clicker| 2019



Creative Fields