Profil appartenant à Aishwarya Gaigawal

Concept art (Environment design)

Marathi Rahasya movie 2020 poster design horizontal (Art work done by me)
Marathi Rahasya movie 2020 poster design vertical (Art work done by me)

Environment painting(snow palace)
Environment painting(River mountain palace)
Environment painting( lava under cave thumbnail)

Environment painting( lava under cave)
Environment painting   (plane crash in forest)
Environment painting  
Environment painting   (desert city)
Environment painting
Matte painting(Crashed plane many years ago found in a desert )
Environment painting( Ancient temple in forest)
Environment painting
Environment painting( Game assets)
Environment painting( Game assets)
 Game assets (magical bottle)
 Game assets (magical bottle)
Game assets
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Concept art (Environment design)
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Concept art (Environment design)

I am a concept artist & illustrator creating assets and environment for game through my G.D Art.I like environment creation. I aspire to be a pro Lire la suite

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