Starbucks Welcome Brochure
This brochure was sent to new Starbucks Reward Cardholders
to reiterate the benefits of using the card and to keep as
a reference guide.

United Airlines Direct Mail
One in a series of three direct mail pieces that targeted different types of United Airlines customers - 
elite flyers, recent flyers and the above - lapsed flyers.

Concept for SouthWest Airlines -  "Shopping"
This kit included an eco-friendly shopping bag, note pad with magnetic back, and benefits brochure.
The kit was to encourage cardholders to use their SouthWest Rewards card for their everyday
purchases not just air travel, thus earning rewards faster.
Global Lifeline Brochure and E-mail
This Chase product is targeted to mass affluent customers who travel abroad. 
The 365 - 24/7 service provides immediate assistance with anything from lost or
stolen luggage to medical or legal help, anywhere in the world. 

Ink from Chase Welcome Brochure
The ink card for business and its benefits were highlighted in this brochure for new cardholders.

Slate Direct Mail
This piece was to show Slate cardholders the benefits and ease of going paperless.

Direct Mail

Direct Mail

Direct Mail
