Perfil de Jordyn Coon

Electropop Concert Poster - Thảo

Electropop Concert Poster - Thảo
Concepts and Objective
The goal here was to create an overall mood. To make the viewer feel something when they saw this poster. That mood could be a range of things but the main objective was a mystifying mood of being in some kind of bright, otherworldly jungle wilderness. My original idea was to have an elk with extremely large antlers looking back at the viewer, while surrounded by foliage, but I opted for a simpler design. With this more minimalistic approach I hope that the viewer doesn't feel as though there are too many ideas and can really glean a feeling of ethereal emotions.
From these sketches, it's obvious to see that my final product changed a lot from my original concept. The original idea was meant to be mainly focused on the elk and it's antlers which would be covered in plants and mushrooms of all sorts. The background was going to primarily be a waterfall. A lot of that changed but I stuck with all my plant ideas and made more of a conceptual waterfall, or rather lava fall/mountains. 
My original idea changed drastically from just my first to second draft. Everyone said it was too busy with everything going on and I agreed. I simplified my waterfall idea and left out the elk for the time being and put in my plants. The picture was overall too dark though so I brightened up the colors so it would look good on a physical poster, since it wouldn't be backlit for how I want the final product to be. I then added the band name of Thao, which in Vietnamese is a name for "beautiful" or "grass." I tried incorporating the antlers a few times but it just confused everyone, and they said they weren't sure what they were supposed to be, so I eventually just got rid of them. I was told that I should put some more plants in front of the waterfall and give it more details in the water, so I did that, but decided I wanted some more contrasting colors. That's when I added the different shades of orange and yellow and changed the idea from a waterfall to a mountain or lava flow scene.
The Final Poster
My poster meets the requirements of the rubric because it is:
- Engaging
- Finished and Polished look
- Design, Typography, and Color rules are implemented well
Electropop Concert Poster - Thảo

Electropop Concert Poster - Thảo
