Luke Rolen sin profil

Ocean Spray Re-Bramd

Ocean Spray Rebrand
Ocean Spray has been around since 1930 as a three company union to expand their cranberry market.  The iconic logo we know has been around since the 30's and hasn't changed since.  For this project I modernized the logo, make it clean and sleek with the ability to modify it to specific needs. 

By softening the color and using a water color graphics I have pulled the target audience from young adults and family's to a more mature audience. Not wanting to eliminate the the young audience I kept the colors bright and happy.    ​​​​​​​
The original logo feels old and outdated, by removing the graphic and creating a new black logo will allow the company to manipulate of the logo to match each flavor.  This will give a uniform look to the whole label and branding. A black logo would only break up the light and calm feeling I have created. 
I chose my colors to resemble natural fruits and by placing them on a stark white background with the water color graphic I created a cleaner and more refreshing look, simple yet elegant.  The choice of typeface starts with an organic serif for the logo, and a nice clean sans-serif for the secondary text. They work together and create a comforting label to look at and read. 
Ocean Spray Re-Bramd


Ocean Spray Re-Bramd
