Robby Marwanaya 的个人资料

Sketch,vectoring and Branding Project

Logos and marks for Tattoo Studio and More. I combined a detailed/premium look with a bold and handcrafter letter shapes and ornaments. I think that it is respectable to the traditional small batch production process

Concept sketch ideas for My Project
I like to spend more time drawing ink because then I have no doubts if some element looking good or not and vectorizing process running faster. 
Work process:
1.Initial sketches are made from scratch with pencil and paper where I try to present different styles and solutions for project-based on brief, references and my feelings.
If needed, based on chosen concept, requested changes and comments I working on other solutions which I want to propose.
2. After discussion and revisions, I preparing a final sketch of chosen concept to approve all details with a client.
3. Working with vectors. Final sketches are starting point for vectorization process. I have put the image with a sketch on the separate layer with lower opacity and beginning work with Beziers, shapes, and guides. Because the vector is a final product and the most important thing in this case thanks to this tools I can save time and don't need to spend many hours working on a sketch with an extra level of accuracy at every time, but when it is highly detailed I'd like to spend more time on preparations.

4. Fine polishing, colors, preparing for presentation and use.
 At every stage, I am spending some time on additional revisions as needed. When initial sketches are not on point, I must make new ones, when more than one looks interesting, I develop all of them, When I think  that final sketch or vector needs to be built with another element than I thought earlier, I am trying to find different solutions, change details, add or remove them.  Sometimes it takes much time, sometimes everything rolling quite fast, there are no rules because I am not using fonts or templates. Every design is a new design and a new challenge for me.
Sketch,vectoring and Branding Project

Sketch,vectoring and Branding Project

