
When The Famous Group came to us with this project, we knew we had to approach this creative with something truly bold. A story that speaks to the Spurs’ fan experience as passionately as the Spurs play on the court. We came up with the idea of following a group of fans putting up posters all around the city. As each poster goes up, the energy and excitement of the coming season builds. That energy bursts to life as players literally jump from the posters and onto the streets of San Antonio. The result is a larger-than-life take over that honors both the team and their fans!


This project was a perfect example of how we do things at Shapes + Forms. The Spurs season opener was truly a collaborative effort from start to finish. From our production partners at The Famous Group, to the Spurs creative team, the players, and the artists on the box, the ethos of “teamwork” is the reason why this project was so successful. Key designs were featured in posters created by the Spurs design team, showcasing each player and their unique (and well-known) personalities. The icing on the cake came from the Los Otros street artist collective, who’s iconic murals can be found all over the city. We got to bring these works of art to life, ensuring that the flavor and spirit of San Antonio is felt in every frame of animation.


Not only did we have the opportunity to design these graphic pieces from concept to completion, but we got to work directly along side of the Spur’s creative team in San Antonio. Together, we prepared for the team’s media junket, utilizing this opportunity to gather as much material as possible for the spot. A lot of work went into this day, building multiple shooting spaces on their home court to capture the Spur’s team and dynamic moves. We welcomed the challenge of building and lighting a green screen in this setting, knowing that capturing the players moving quickly and passing the ball around would be difficult. On top of this, we had to fit shooting each player into their already packed Media Day schedule. Thanks in large part to stakeholder’s collective preparation and the professionalism of the team, we were able to get everything we needed. Cheers to all of the crew that made this day possible!  


Client: San Antonio Spurs 
Production Company: The Famous Group 
Director: Fabian Garzon 

Shapes + Forms Executive 
Producer: Thomas Knight 
Creative Director: Fabian Garzon 
Producer: Mark Tennyson 
Production Coordinator: Cecilia Steiter 
Storyboard Artist: Will Weigand 
Design/Animation: Grant Hoki, Christoph Strohfeld, Darren Dai, Dan Dawley, Jhonatan Duran, Lynn Kwon 
Editor: Elliot Diviney, Marcos de la Torre

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This project was a perfect example of how we do things at Shapes + Forms. The Spurs season opener was truly a collaborative effort from start to Ver mais

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