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Germany is well known for owning the highest rank in having world’s top renowned higher learning institutes. It is the best option for the students who desires to study and stay back for couple of years after completing their degree. For foreign students looking for an international education, Germany has always been a popular destination. Compared to UK, USA or Australia, internationally recognized programs are offered at relatively cheaper cost by the German Universities.

The country aids students the opportunity to choose between 14500 bachelor and master degree programs and not only this but there are also many scholarships opportunities offered for the international students to fund their studies. There are also some significant scholarships available that allows the foreign students to study in Germany for free.

                     Government-funded scholarships to study in Germany 

Scholarships offered on the basis of title for the international students in Germany are divided into three categories 

DAAD Scholarships 
The German Academic Exchange Service or DAAD offers many scholarships for international students of various level degrees, who wishes to study in Germany. DAAD scholarships are primarily aimed at graduates, doctoral students and postdoctoral students and are awarded for study and research visits to universities and non-university research institutions in Germany. In some programmes, internships are also funded.

Erasmus Scholarship –
Erasmus is an integrated, prestigious, international study programme offered by an international consortium of higher education institutions. The largest provider of scholarships for study in the EU, Erasmus scholarship is led by the European Commission, funding international students to study in Europe. When participating in an exchange program to study in Europe, Erasmus provides ease towards living costs.

Non-government scholarships to study in Germany

Einstein International Postdoctoral Fellowship 

Einstein Foundation sponsors fellowship for postdoctoral research students at the university in Berlin. 

Heinrich Boll Scholarships for International Students 

This programme offers scholarships for international students at all levels wishing to study in Germany at an accredited institution.

Humboldt Research Fellowships for Postdoctoral Researchers 

Humboldt Research Fellowships provides Postdoctoral scholarships for scientists and scholars of any subject and nationality. International Students from developing and emerging countries can might apply for a Georg Forster Fellowship.

Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) Scholarships 

International applicants who are under 30 years of age and have completed a university degree in their home country can apply for this Monthly master’s and PhD scholarship. One will just need to provide evidence that shows the applicant is above-average academic performance and that tells the student have been actively involved in voluntary works for the benefit of society in their home country, and have an interest in political issues.

Kurt Hansen Science Scholarships 

It is a Science scholarships to study in Germany that is funded by the Bayer Foundation and is open to students who are training to become educators in the field of science.

Marie Curie International Incoming Fellowship (IIF)

International students wishing to study in Germany can apply for this Marie Curie International Incoming Fellowship. It is funded by the European Commission.

Mawista Scholarship 

Mawista Scholarships are provided for those studying abroad while taking care of a child, including those pursuing to study in Germany.

Deutschland Stipendium 

Deutschland Stipendium basically are the Merit-based scholarships of €300 a month are available to highly talented students enrolled at German universities. Nationality and personal income do not mostly matter here.  

The Helmholtz Association 
These aids the doctoral and postdoctoral students from all around the world to get Annual fellowships. The Helmholtz association gives one the chance to do paid research at the Helmholtz centre in Germany.

                              University-specific scholarships to study in Germany

DRD Scholarships for Sub-Saharan Africans 

DRD is mainly a Merit-based scholarship that is available for the students from developing countries in the Sub-Saharan Africa who are pursuing master’s degree in development studies, public administration and development management at Ruhr-University Bochum. Program twinned with UWC in South Africa. More scholarships for African students are available here. 

Doctoral Tuition Waivers at Frankfurt School of Finance and Management 

International students are provided with fully-funded study places and a generous monthly stipend for up to five years. Tuition waiver scholarships are available for doctoral students studying an English-language program at the Frankfurt school within finance, accounting, mathematics and business administration. 

FRIAS Co fund Fellowship Programme for International Researchers 

International students gets the chance to study at Universitat Freiburg on a research-level program through this German scholarship.

Hamburg University of Applied Sciences Scholarships 

Here, this scholarships is delivered to the international students of any subjects excluding design, public health and public management who are enrolled on a master’s program at the Amburg University.

Heidelberg University 

A range of scholarships are provided for the international students by the Heidelberg University, such as the Amirana Scholarship that aids students from developing countries to study medicine or dentistry. 

HHL International MSc Scholarship 

International Students are provided with some of the great scholarship opportunities to study management at master’s and PhD levels at HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management.

Humboldt University International Research Fellowships 

International students pursuing research in history, anthropology, law, sociology, political science, geography, economics or area studies are provided with scholarship opportunities at Humboldt University. 

Graduate School of East and Southeast European Studies Doctoral positions for International students 
This avails the applicant to study at the graduate level within LudwigMaximilians-Universitat Munich or Universitat as a research fellow of East and Southeast European Studies.

KAAD Scholarships for Developing Countries 

It’s basically a scheme that offers scholarships for international students from developing countries like from Africa, Asia, the Middle East and Latin America to study at master’s or PhD level in the German university. Candidates must have good command over German-language and has to be of Catholic-Christian denomination.

Kofi Annan MBA Scholarships 

This Scholarships aids up to five international students from developing countries to study full-time and have one-year MBA at the European School of Management and Technology (ESMT) in Berlin. The School provides some other MBA scholarships which includes the ESMT Women’s Academic Scholarship for female candidates.

Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics 
Through this the Post-doctoral fellowships are available to study solid state chemistry at the university.

Ulm University Scholarships for International Students 

Ulm University scholarships are basically the Need-based scholarships for international students of Ulm University but here the funding is granted for 1 semester only.

Universitat Hamburg Merit Scholarships 

All the outstanding international students of any degree levels and subjects, who have already been enrolled in their program for at least two semesters can apply for this scholarship. This aids the students in their financial needs.

RWTH Aachen University scholarships 

RWTH Aachen University scholarships are provided for the international students as well as to the home students by the university itself. The university also provides scholarships to their alumni who wishes to pursue further research work, field research, or wants to do internship abroad after the their course completion of.

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