Profiel van Helen Yu

My Lingo Album Art


"My Lingo" is a trilingual hip-hop song by Boston artists Danny G, Mishaft, and Noza Rez. I had the opportunity the create this art for their song cover.


Check out their final track on Soundcloud, produced by Taylor King.


I looked to Japanese woodblock printing for inspiration, as an art form that could allow me to incorporate various patterns into a single, cohesive piece. I highlight all three of the rappers' cultures with the following patterns:

1. Globe on the Brazilian flag
2. Brown Aztec sun on a beige background to honor indigenous roots in Mexico
3. Dark blue Paubrasilia leaves on a lighter blue fabric; also known as the brazilwood tree, or national tree of Brazil
4. Haitian coat of arms on pink fabric
5. "L'Union Fait La Force," the motto on the Haitian flag that translates to "Unity Makes Strength"

My Lingo Album Art

My Lingo Album Art

Album art for the hip-hop song, "My Lingo" -- inspired by Japanese woodblock printing and incorporating design patterns from the cultures of Hait Meer lezen


Creatieve disciplines