Evan Richards breaks down movie scenes and I chose to analyze some of them. One of the movies that really stood out to me was the cinematography from Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. 
The way that this shot is set up sends a feeling of moodiness. The girl has glasses on with different colors, and this design factor is emphasized because the rest of the photo is much darker on the other sides of her. The rule of thirds is used well here because the attention is automatically drawn towards the girl. There is also just the right amount of lighting put on her, to emphasize that she is looking off at something through her glasses. 
This is the next shot after the girl shown with the glasses. It shows Harry laying in the middle of the train. You can see that the path he is laying on is the only thing lit up in the photo. Because of the lighting and the lines from the edges of floor, it draws attention not only to Harry but brings your attention to the fact that he is laying down. He is much lower than everything else, showing that he has at the lowest point of the train. You will also notice on the sides of the frame that there is a design, which reminds us that the girl is the one spotting Harry on the ground, and is still looking through her glasses. 
Analyzing Movie Frames
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Analyzing Movie Frames

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