Conor Honer's profile

Dublin Bus UI Concept

Dublin Bus UI Concept
This is a personal redesign of the UI in the app for Dublin Bus. I feel the design looks a bit outdated and it doesn't fit the newer phones sizes (iPhone X etc.) well. I tried to introduce a slightly more "flat" look, rather than the old gradients and 3D-type look.
App Icon
I kept the icon more or less the same with a slight better gradient, one that looks warmer and in my opinion, better. I think the style fits more with the likes of iOS 13. I mainly changed the icon for continuity with the rest of my redesign.
Splash Screen
I feel as if the splash screen was really outdated, with the older style gradients and a less "flat" look. I tried to make it more minimal. A splash screen is only going to appear for 2-3 seconds really, so the less you can put in it, the better. In Dublin, everyone knows the Dublin Bus logo, so anyone who would use this app, would only need to see the logo to know what's going on, for this reason I felt it wasn't necessary to include the name or any words.
Bus Times
One of the apps main functions (and why most people use it) is to time a bus. I felt the design needed a spruce up, but nothing too major. I didn't want to change the table layout as this was something everyone was familiar with. I imagined this as an update and how users would have to "adapt" to the new design. I did however change the card for the bus stop to a brighter and more colorful gradient. I figured this would really improve the look (especially on newer OLED devices). Overall everything looks cleaner and smoother.
For continuity, I remade the bus cards in the favorites tab (and search tab) with the same gradient design. I feel like these look more modern and slightly smoother.
I found with the map that it was hard to distinguish between me and the bus stops. Originally bus stops were a blue pin and your location was a red pin (or maybe it was the other way around). Personally, that didn't seem to work for me as all pins on the map showed up blue. There was a small button to find your location, however even after pressing this, I couldn't figure it out.

I replaced the location button with a bigger and more obvious one, describing what it does. I also redesigned the location icon as the familiar arrow, as well as redesigning the bus stop icons to the way the sign at the top of bus stops look.
Dublin Bus UI Concept


Dublin Bus UI Concept

I felt the original design wouldn't fit newer phones and looked very outdated.
