2020 總統盃黑客松 活動宣傳片

2020 總統盃黑客松 活動宣傳片​​​​​​​

執導單位 | 總統府  /  主辦單位 | 行政院 
影片統籌 | 集智館文化  /  製作 | 隧道音像社  /  創意 | 張能禎+動工設計 MOKRAFT 
導演 | 張能禎  /  專案管理|楊小關  /  製片 | 曾韋鈞  /  執行製片 | 彭肇萱
攝影 | 簡強、張能禎  /  攝影大助 | 廖嘉禾  /  攝影助理 | 風宗廷
空拍師 | 陳俊彥  /  燈光 | 陳勇兆  /  燈光助理 | 林晏均、黃維宣
美術 | 張銘軒  /  美術助理 | 林羿均、游傑宇
造型 | 郭芳慈、謝睿玄  /  演員 | 洪德明、林婉鈞、徐嘉平、鄧明卉、張朝瑋
影像配樂|馮稚暝  /  音效設計|馮稚暝  /  口白錄製|生笙音效錄音室  /  翻譯|呂季璇
主視覺設計|吳怡葶  /  後期製作 | 動工設計 MOKRAFT  /  後期製片|林宗毅
分鏡繪製|徐幼禹  /  美術設計|鄭麗華  /  動態設計|江光健  /  特效合成|江光健​​​​​​​

黑客松 = 黑客 + 馬拉松


The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), developed by the United Nations, have been globally adopted as a blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all. They address the global challenges we face, including those related to poverty, inequality, climate, environmental degradation, prosperity, and peace and justice. The Goals are interconnected; in order to leave no one behind, it is important to achieve each of the 17 goals and related targets by 2030.

In line with the needs of the country's social development, the Taiwan Presidential Hackathon, launched in 2018, is an initiative designed by the Taiwanese government to demonstrate its emphasis on open-source, open data, and related best practices to address the needs of the country through social innovations and economic development.

This event aims to facilitate exchanges among data owners, data scientists, and field experts to tap into the collective wisdom across government, industry, private and public sectors. Ultimately, it aims to accelerate the optimization of public services and stimulate inclusive social and economic growth for all people.​​​​​​​

Thanks for watching!  > Presidential Hackathon 2020 

2020 總統盃黑客松 活動宣傳片

Project gemaakt voor

2020 總統盃黑客松 活動宣傳片

