"Give Me Props" Drawing Project
Drawn in February, 2020
The main goal of the project was to draw a piece of furniture, an implement, an accessory, and a weapon for a character of our choice. We had three different choices, and I chose to draw props for MC Thugee Fresh (shown below.)
When drawing the different props, it was important to take into consideration the character's attitude and general aesthetic, as well as the minute details. In my case, I made sure to draw things an MC or a rapper might use, hence the stereo and shades with his name on them.
During the project, I wanted to explore the glorious activity of shading. Specifically cross-hatching. I did it in multiple ways, as I really liked the look it gave the pictures, so I wanted to find the best method. This ended up being drawing the hatches with the contours of the object, as shown on the baseball bat.
Drawing Props for a Character

Drawing Props for a Character

I drew some props for MC Thugee Fresh, keeping in mind the fine details and the aesthetic of the character.
