Cheng Yuan Chiehs profil

Museum of Archaeology, Tainan Branch of NMP







科技部南部科學園區臺南園區(以下簡稱「臺南園區」)座落於臺南市新市區、善化區及安定區;原屬臺糖公司之道爺和善化農場。1995 年開始規劃為科學工業園區開發核心區。中央研究院歷史語言研究所受行政院國家科學委員會委託在臺南園區進行遺址調查,至今連同其周邊新開發臺南特定工業園區及樹谷工業園區,已發現約 58 多處考古遺址。遺址埋存之史前文化,最早距今約 5000 年,最晚則約 300 多年前,涵蓋時間範圍長達 4500 年。

為了保存因開發臺南園區所進行遺址搶救發掘,2002 年國科會與臺南縣政府提出興建博物館之議,2003 年 4 月教育部指定史前館保管南科出土文物及辦理興建分館事宜。經多方共同努力下,2007 年獲行政院首肯,核定於臺南園區興建南科考古館。

南科考古館基地面積約為 24,219 平方公尺,於 2010 年 3 月徵選出優勝廠商「姚仁喜 | 大元聯合建築師事務所」負責執行後續建築設計與監造事宜。歷經多方努力與期待,南科考古館終於在 2014 年 6 月動工,2017 年 11 月完工,為臺灣南部地區史前文化保存與文化資產研究奠定發展基礎。

Museum of Archaeology, Tainan Branch of NMP

In December, 1996, the Institute of History and Philology of Academia Sinica started the archaeological investigation of Tainan Science Park. Up to now, including the Tainan Science Park Designated Area and Tree Valley Park, there are 58 archaeological sites have been discovered, with 36 rescue-excavated. With an area more than 122,000 square meters, these sites date back to the prehistoric time period of Taiwan, covering a time span of 300 to 5,000 years B.P. It has been chronologically divided into six phases: Tapenkeng Culture, Niuchoutzu Culture, Tahu Culture, NiaoSung Culture, Siraya Culture and recent Han-Chinese Culture. In order to keep these priceless treasures, the project of setting up a museum inside Tainan Science Park has been undertaken by the National Museum of Prehistroy.

Museum of Archaeology, Tainan Branch of NMP


Museum of Archaeology, Tainan Branch of NMP

In December, 1996, the Institute of History and Philology of Academia Sinica started the archaeological investigation of Tainan Science Park. Up Læs mere
