Perfil de Nikhil Vaghela

Shipping Restrictions Magento 2 Extension

Shipping Restrictions Magento 2 Extension​​​​​​​
Shipping Restrictions Magento 2 extension helps to restrict unnecessary shipping methods instead of blocking all of available shipping methods. Shipping restriction Magento 2 Extension work with different area like countries, states, regions, cities, zip codes. Use shipping restriction module feature to set a postcode as a restriction for example you can apply the restriction to the zip code that starts from ‘380’ or ends with ‘ABC’ and use content condition.

Key Features:

 Restrict shipping based on product attributes, exist customer attributes.
 Display error massage for unavailable shipping restriction method rules on checkout page and cart page.
 Restrict shipping method order process from the admin panel of store.
 Helps to set priorities of shipping rules.
 Restrict Shipping on selected multiple coupon codes, selected days (holiday/weekend/etc…)
 Enable/Disable extension from the backend.

Content Source by Cynoinfotech​​​​​​​
Shipping Restrictions Magento 2 Extension

Shipping Restrictions Magento 2 Extension
