Pinta Studios 的個人檔案

Shennong : Taste of Illusion

Shennong : Taste of Illusion

Shennong is an adventure story about a hero of prehistoric China. It describes a battle between Shennong, the god-king of Chinese medicine, and a beast from his illusion.The story combines Chinese mythology, an action film and the spirit of a super hero, all within a VR experience. 
Experience the story on steam. VR headsets are required.

⼊围第 75 届威尼斯国际电影节VR竞赛单元  75th Venice Film Festival, VR competition
⼊围 2018 瑞丹斯电影节VR竞赛单元最佳VR体验  Raindance Film Festival 2018 VR Competition, Best VR Experience (Nominated)
⼊围 2018 Siggraph Asia电⼦剧场竞赛单元  Siggraph Asia 2018 Computer Animation Festival, VR competition
⼊围 2018 ⾼雄国际电影节VR竞赛单元  2018 Kaoshiung Film Festival, VR competition
⼊围 2018 圣保罗国际电影节VR竞赛单元  42nd Sao Paulo International Film Festival
⼊围 2018 Anima Mundi国际动画节VR竞赛单元  Anima Mundi 2018 Festival
⼊围 2018 巴黎360电影节竞赛单元  360 Film Festival, Paris, VR competition
2018 砂之盒沉浸影像节最佳中国作品  2018 Sandbox Immersive Festival, Best Chinese Immersive Experience
2019 罗⻢尼亚国际动画电影节展映  Animest International Animation Film Festival, Screening
2019 23届釜⼭国际电影节VR剧场展映  Busan International Film Festival VR Theatre, Screening

Directed by
 Li Mi, Zheng Wang 

Produced by
 Pinta Studios 

Co-produced and Distributed by
Jaunt China

Shennong : Taste of Illusion

Shennong : Taste of Illusion
