Profiel van Ozgun Balaban

Smart Shopping Systems

Smart Shopping Systems
This project was a part of a two term elective course, Innovative Product Development, which I took in my undergrad. In this course, you are required to form a group that consists of students from different faculties. For example, our group had two electrical engineers, one computer scientist, and two from management. 

In the first half of the course, you come up with an idea as a result of several ideation processes and you need to develop a mock of the idea. In the second term, you continue developing your project meanwhile a mock stock market is formed for the jury members to invest some money on the firms. Students are expected to brief these investors through some campaigns.

In this project, we developed a smart shopping cart which can sense the location of its user in a supermarket and can play related advertisement. It requires an indoor location sensing feature which we developed using triangulation from Wi-fi signals. At the end of the project, our was highly successful, we were the first group in the stock market.
Smart Shopping Systems

Smart Shopping Systems


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