BSDS Presents - New England Brew
A Boston fundraiser poster show surrounding craft beer

Richie Stewart and I created the house poster and general branding aesthetic for the event as it was used throughout social media, print, advertising, and web.

Photographs by Nicklas Weikert
What the hell?
Gather 'round as the giant keg visits your town! But before the big party this fella takes time to soak up the local culture, explore the scene, and visit with the locals. 
To me, brewing has always been about an equal input and output. Whether it be tea or beer, a brewer is trying to inject their life experiences into the product, to be distilled down and shared around.

As the giant keg visits town, he listens to the communities stories and life experiences as they drop or throw their culture into him. Once all input is taken, he dances all night, shaking that all up until it all comes exploding out for the community to enjoy.
BSDS Poster Show


BSDS Poster Show

House poster for BSDS's New England Brew
