Ithaysa Cabrera 的个人资料

Business Card for Marcozzi Contemporary Theater

Business card for Marcozzi Contemporary Theater (Berlin, Germany)

Daniela Marcozzi is an artist, director and biologist who funded MCT. I worked for her with a program for young entrepreneurs designing her portfolio, flyers and this business card.
She wanted something that represented her as an artist and also not forgetting her work as a biologist. 
First of all, I did a research about her works and I try to mix all of them, find the best way to present them in a business card. She showed me also videos of her research with many interesting images and I decided to take some of those beautiful frames and put them all over the flyers and business cards. 
She was really happy because the leave represent one of her best works.
Business Card for Marcozzi Contemporary Theater

Business Card for Marcozzi Contemporary Theater
