Perfil de Christiane Schrempp

CURRENT TIME WEEKLY - show package

Current time WEEKLY - show package
Known in Russian as Настоящее Время, Current Time is a 24/7 television and digital network for Russian speakers, led by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty in cooperation with Voice of America.

It´s focus is on news, and one of the news programs is "Weekly".

Perfect Accident entrusted me with the design of the show opener and the adaption of the overall news system to the new show branding. This includes the animated studio background as well as transitions, closer, credits etc.


MY ROLE: design

CLIENT: Current Time, Russia
ANIMATION: Patrick Becher

CURRENT TIME WEEKLY - show package
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CURRENT TIME WEEKLY - show package

Current Time is a 24/7 television and digital network for Russian speakers. It´s focus is on news, and one of the news programs is “Weekly”. Per Ver mais

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