Count to Ten, as a major CIS player (Corporate Identity System) since ibility running start, the services included: Brand logo design, Official fonts design, Colour and Symbols graphic design, Interior design, Web design, Packaging, Commercial Photography, Public Relations and Marketing Strategies, etc. With its rapid growing business, Count to Ten further-developed a series of guidelines included its usages and images.

ibility是香港新晉生活品牌,成立於2013年。品牌旗下共四間分店,首間香港旗艦店開設在九龍塘又一城商場,品牌將傳統鉤織工藝與現代設計結二為一,使其成為香港其中一個最炙手可熱的新興品牌之一。 Count to Ten 自ibility成立以來負責其品牌的全方位企業視覺識別設計,包括品牌標誌設計、品牌標準字體、顏色和象徵圖形設計、室內設計、網頁設計、產品包裝設計、商業攝影和一系列公關及市場推廣策略。為配合品牌的急速發展,我們亦為品牌製定了一系列規範文件,包括品牌使用指引、品牌形象指引等。
Brand Design | Count to Ten
Packaging Design | Count to Ten
Photography | Count to Ten
Interior Design | E.So Design
Exhibition Booth Design | E.So Design

CI System for ibility

CI System for ibility
