Convergence is a light creation and videomaping that turns the Laon’s Cathedral into a lighthouse over the city. The city centre has always been an attractive place for gatherings, festivals, trade and culture.

We wish to pay tribute to these gatherings by raising the dynamic of convergence towards the central monument of the city embodied by the Cathedral of Laon.​​​​​​​
This show offers a colourful and playful vision of these gatherings, emphasizing their universal and timeless character.
CONVERGENCE, videomapping about the Cathedral of Notre-Dame of Laon, for the Color Summer Festival 2019. 

Realization : Holymage 
Music : Guillaume Le Dain 
Production : Cookies Production


Convergence is a light creation and videomaping that turns the Laon’s Cathedral into a lighthouse over the city. The city centre has always been Read More
