I ♥ IDM 
As everybody I'm a music lover, is my first inspiration source maybe, I wanted to make something related to my favorite music genre: IDM. Next, there is a brief description about it.

IDM is for "Intelligent Dance Music" (popular tag) also known as "Braindance". This sub genre born in the early 90's as a result of mixing Underground Techno and Ambient genres mainly. Some of the artists involved deny the tag 'cause it sounds elitist, but the opposite is true. The most important features is that musicians can immerse themselves into individual experimentation with their own computers and hardware, creating their own styles and incorporating more electronic sub genres as electro, acid, drum & bass, even jazz, making it more diverse.

Some other theories say each sound is aimed at a part of the human body. We are more sensitive to the bass tones from the belly to the legs and the high tones are directed to the head, ears and arms. Some of the most representative artists for the genre are Aphex Twin, Squarepusher, Boards of Canada, Tycho Mouse on Mars etc.

Is the kind of music for listening, to relax, to abstract, and create. Music: Jimmy Edgar - 1 20 Detail
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As everybody I'm a music lover, is my first inspiration source maybe, I wanted to make something related to my favorite music genre: IDM. Next, t 阅读更多内容
