Brief: design a system for the future of healthcare communication. (Set by Ogilvy Healthworld)
MediSound is an ASMR podcast channel where patients and general public can have access to medical information. MediSound provides a relaxation treatment for any patients while receiving the information. This is a collaboration project with Dun Lee, Lewis Fry, and Jess Li.
Logo in different shapes. 
Website Mockup
Album covers are labelled with reference numbers. Numbers are easier to be remembered and found compare to medical terms.
Demonstration at Ogilvy London head office.

Mockup on Spotify, Apple Music and SoundCloud.

Screenprinted Crew Tshirt
Concept and system idea: Lewis Fry, Dun Lee, Maya Kubota and Jess Li
Logo design: Lewis Fry and Maya Kubota
Album design: Maya Kubota
Website design: Jess Li
Sound editing: Dun Lee
Voice: Dun Lee and Lewis Fry
T-shirt design and silkscreen: Maya Kubota, Lewis Fry and Jess Li


