Diogo Stilwells profil

Open the Present - Christmas 2019

Life is short and there is no better time than Christmas to make peace and celebrate life, family and friendship. That is the merriest of Christmases.

The One Show Shortlist is also a great gift. :)
Agência: WundermanThompson Lisboa
Director Criativo: Pedro Magalhães
Copywriters: Diogo Stilwell, Marco Figueiredo
Directores de Arte: Pedro Santos, André Alberto
Client Service Director: Graça Magalhães
Account Supervisors: Sónia Reis
Production: Marta Guapo
Production House: Krypton Films
Director: Augusto Fraga
DOP: André Szankowski
Sound Studio: Ameba
Produtora: Krypton
Open the Present - Christmas 2019

Open the Present - Christmas 2019
