M SC profili

Tarkett Sports - Koln Exhibition (2003)

Responsable créatif sur ce projet de 2 stands, création selon le budget alloué et suivi de la fabrication et de la qualité.
La structure en bois, décorée d'adhésifs sur peinture, accueillait plusieurs vitrines pour les produits Tarkett (revêtements de sols sportifs).
Voici quelques images des stands, des lieux de rencontres avec les commerciaux avec échantillons.
I've been working as a creative director over these 2 stand projects. I was also responsible for following the budget and checking quality during the whole process.
Made of painted wood and large customized stickers, the structures gave a large gallery of Tarkett's products, under consistent lightning.
Here are few shots of the finished products, two welcoming spaces where clients could actually test the floors and chill to talk business.
Tarkett Sports - Koln Exhibition (2003)
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Tarkett Sports - Koln Exhibition (2003)

2 stands made for Tarkett Sports, manufacturer and supplier of floor tiles for all kind of sports.

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