Fight to be outside the cultural mainstream... no matter what.

The Bitter Hipster is a product photography brand that specializes in raw lifestyle shots. The Bitter Hipster prioritizes going against the cultural mainstream of sterile product photography. Instead, his shots are gritty and show the products in real life situations. To reflect this, we wanted to create a brand that conveyed this unique photography style. For us, the journey began by collecting some photos from The Bitter Hipster for inspiration.
A monogram for an abnormal man...

The Bitter Hipster is more than just a brand; it’s a character. Because of this, we wanted to give The Bitter Hipster a monogram logo. We worked to develop a mark that would speak into the tone of the photography.
The colors of a hipster...

“What are the colors of a bitter hipster?” That was the question at hand when developing the color palette for The Bitter Hipster. With the gritty photography style in mind, we felt that strong earth tones were the way to go. Further, we wanted these earth tones to reflect the “bitter” side of the hipster. We focused on wild natural events to develop the color scheme and settled on fire and water: orange and blue. We wanted the colors to reflect the charred earth after a fire and the feel of a tumultuous ocean storm.
What type of hipster?

After settling on a color palette, we tackled the typography for The Bitter Hipster. We used Ampersand Type. Ampersand is a blend of retro serif and modern sans serif. It pushes the bounds of normality and doesn’t fit in, just like The Bitter Hipster.
It’s a pattern of life...

There was just one thing missing. The brand didn’t feel complete without some retro patterns. We developed four patterns for The Bitter Hipster. The combination of colors, type and patterns finally brought the brand full circle. Fourteen Creative enjoyed the challenge of developing an unconventional brand for an unconventional product photographer.
Thanks for checking out this project. Follow @designerfourteen on social media to see more work from The Bitter Hipster project as we continue our partnership, and if you liked this project, we'd love a thumbs up and a comment!

On this project:
Jacob Schlittenhardt - Art Direction and Design
Chris Bazaldua - Art Direction and Photography
The Bitter Hipster


The Bitter Hipster

Branding design for The Bitter Hipster an unconventional product photography brand.
