Giveaways 2020 for BankAudi 
The brief was to create branded giveaways for 2020 to be implemented on notebooks, mugs, calendar, bags, facebook and instagram as well
I used the branding elements of BankAudi logo which are 3 combined circles to create Bank Audi 2020
So I used the branding circles instead of the zeros in 2020 
the chosen option
trials for the notebook and mugs
choosing colors for the notebook
finalizing the notebook, cover, back and internal pages 
finalizing the mugs
working on calendars, I decided to make each month is a motivation tip for employees 
12 monthes 12 pages + cover page
and since its very low budget project I used freepik for illustrations

The final and production
2020 giveaways


2020 giveaways

Bank Audi new giveaways for 2020 notebooks, bags, calendar and mugs, pens
