Hao Lins profil

Memory Saver : A form of future family

The new way to store and pass down memory in the future 
What would the memory be pass down in the future? 
In this project, I am working with the idea about how to store and pass down memory inside the base of a family. I think that the memories are the most important thing in the family value. Besides the name and the blood, the emotional connection with the memories between the family members will keep passing down in different form in the future.

We design a system contain a recorder, a worship table and a landscape. The family members can record their memories, save it and also learn the memories or legacy from their ancestor or other family members. Everytime you save a memory in the worship table, the plant will be watered and grow bigger. After around 50 years, this worship table represented your family will be a part of urban planting park. If you want to share some of your memories, they will be see in the park.
This recorder is in the form of the Amulet, a symbol of safety and blessing. It is wrap with transparent waterproof plastic with electric components in it. When a family member go outside and want to record something, he/she can press a button and record. There are three different data to record in this object: the vedio, the smell and the sound, due to the choice of different user.

The worship table is the saving device for the family’s memories. The memories can be pass down throughout this object with performing some ritual. In Taiwan, there’s lots of household that have a ritual table to memorize the ancestor. I used this concept as a conversation area for the families. The plant on the table is a visualization of the memories. Whenever one’s save a memory, the plant will be watered and grow through the process.

Family can share their legacy or skills with the society by combining their worship table with other family and turn into a park. The park could be a library of memories in the neighborhood and be a part of urban planting. People can know about the stories of people from the region and preserve some valuable information.
Memory Saver : A form of future family


Memory Saver : A form of future family
