The Old Library
An exploration using Autodesk Maya and Unity, this project was a part of a course that was based around immersive spaces. With a focus on concept, there was a lot of freedom around the prompt and that enabled me to connect 3D Modelling and augmented reality.

The concept behind my project was based around re-purposing an empty library that has always been available at my college. A library is a space where stories are kept, stories written by people and sometimes 'of people'. I extrapolated that idea towards a digital realm, trying to think of ways to create a merger between the surreal nature of my memories and experiences, the physical shelves of the library and the viewer's phones - something that is slowly becoming a standard for interacting with the world around us. 

The product of this thought process was a set of abstract sculptures created in Autodesk Maya to be viewed only on a mobile device. The markers for the AR element are symbolic as well, they represent my state of mind during the events that have been turned into sculptures. 

A Digital Library

A Digital Library

An alternative to an empty library that allows people to understand my past.
