Ongaya Type is an archive of my personal project made out of experimental and self desire to learn something that was never done before by me.

This type adapted from a silver coin minted for a Swedish king around the year 1000, when life wasn't as "neat" as we are right now. The design of the type it has was unique that gave me an idea to adapt it. 

The origin word of Ongaya is óánægja means disarray in Icelandic language which the closest language to an Old Norse language,  not only represent the life of the people live in the year 1000 but also represent the indiscipline of this type. It still need major changes due to the messiness it has (which is why the name is disarray). But, just for an appreciation for my own work, i shared this project here.

This kinetic type below made in early 2020. It's messy, chaotic. Disarray. It represent the situation around the world, especially in Jakarta back in January. Who would've thought the whole world is still in such disarray up until now. Careful what comes out of your mouth, folks.


Ongaya Type


Ongaya Type

This is a personal project that had been abandoned for months due to many changes required. Instead of just being a beautiful memories in my fold Read More
