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Angry Fire Energy Drink / 怒能量飲料

「 怒氣值爆表的能量飲料品牌 」
怒能量飲料品牌的核心思想提倡:每個人都會有不甘心或憤怒的時候,但轉化怒氣為動力,反而有開創許多新局跟翻轉逆境的可能。 因此視覺設計上,主視覺使用草圖畫出來的怒字,雖然辨識度低,但在視覺的張力較為強大,並富有情感的渲染力。同時為了讓品牌有統一並且較為穩定的辨識度,也製作了較為精緻化的商標。而草圖的視覺成為品牌的主視覺,讓主視覺跟商標在包裝上交互使用,帶出有趣的視覺張力。

The core idea of Anger Fire Energy Drink: Everyone has their unwilling and anger, but tries to transfer these negative emotions into power, you may have a possibilities to create a new stage or return the whole situation. In visual, it is mainly a sketch of the Chinese character “Nooˋ” – which means angry, although it might not be easy to recognize, but it has a very powerful tension on the visual and a strong verve of emotion. To keep the brand in an integrate recognition, there is also a more exquisite logo, and the sketch became a embellishment, the visual tension was fascinating by cross using the logo and the sketch.
Type : Branding
Designer:Lin,Tin Ham  
Year : Nomeber, 2019
Design Agency : Return design 
Client : Return design 
Copyright © Returndesign . All rights reserved.
Angry Fire Energy Drink / 怒能量飲料

Angry Fire Energy Drink / 怒能量飲料

怒能量飲料品牌是 回轉設計 Return Design 的一個實驗性的概念商品設計作品。 核心思想提倡:每個人都會有生氣,不甘心,憤怒的時候,但轉化怒氣為動力,反而有開創許多新局跟翻轉逆境的可能。 因此視覺設計上,主視覺使用草圖畫出來的怒字,雖然辨識度低,但在視覺的張力較為強大,並富有 Read More
