Diogo Azevedo sin profilBeatriz Severes sin profil

Occupy Spaceshit Earth

After careful research on Buckminster Fuller's "Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth", we performed a graphic interpretation of its content.
As we interfere in his work, we follow a criteria of humanity and conscience.
Through a series of analogies we connect its content to other works like "I Seem to Be a Verb" and "Laws of Simplicity". The page brings us a visual metaphor where Fuller's ideals and theories (shown in black) are confronted with the analytical white layer - a series of numbers and quantitative information of our planet.
This clash of information concurs with the motto "Occupy", bringing awareness,
and asking for change. 

Dimensions - 841 x 594 mm
Support - Wrapping paper from Ikea + White markers
Typography - Orator Std + Platelet Heavy
---------------------- REFERENCES ----------------------

FULLER, B. (1970)
Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth. New York: E.P. Dutton.

FULLER, B.; FIORE, Q. (1970)
I Seem to Be a Verb. New York: Bantam Books.

MAEDA, J. (2006)
The Laws of Simplicity – Design, Technology, Business, Life. Cambridge: The MIT Press

MCLUHAN, M.; FIORE, Q. (1968)
War and Peace in the Global Village. (new edition) New York: Gingko Press, 2001.
Occupy Spaceshit Earth

Occupy Spaceshit Earth

Graphic interpretation and content assembling of Buckminster Fuller's 'Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth'. Communication Design Faculty of Fi Se mer
