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Urban Sports Challenge(Xbox Game)

Our Team created a casual game for XBOX in Unity using the XBOX Live Avatars. This game will also have a social component to it and have the potential to be played on multiple different platforms.
*We signed confidential agreement for this project.
The “HORSE” game or Urban Sports Challenge is a casual, downloadable target-based game designed to
bring competitive sports experiences to a non-sports audience. The goal of the project is to build a simple,
casual game using the Unity game engine so that it can be ported to various platforms after hand-off. This
game will also be designed in attempt to allow XBOX users to interact with one another’s Avatars in a fun
and engaging way, thus leveraging the XBOX Live Avatars.
Our main goals within this project are that the game be simple and easily portable to other platforms.
Social Interaction was the first and foremost element of fun to this game, but over time this changed
to the game mechanic and overall experience being the most important. Inspired by the social
games phenomenon, we are attempting to make the typical sports gaming experience more
accessible to the “neo-gamer” that mainly or exclusively plays social or casual games and does not
necessarily identify with the “gamer” label. There will also be a competitive edge to this game as a
form of fun. We hope to make the game fun through entertaining, atypical and unique visuals in order
to attract that non-sports audience to want to play our sports based game.
Influences & Sources
We spent a lot of time doing research for this game. We were influenced very much by the idea of Kinect
Sports, but the last thing we wanted to do was create just another sports game. Ours had to be different
enough that a non-sports audience would want to play, and yet still maintain a bit of that sports feel to it in
order to keep existing sports-game fans wanting to play. The following two screenshots are the combined
look and feel that we are going for. Typical sports game, with a little bit of extra whimsy and fun.
Urban Sports Challenge(Xbox Game)

Urban Sports Challenge(Xbox Game)

An X-box game prototype based on X-box live avatars.
