yum tang's profile

Food monster

We are Food monster
We consume food for survival. But when we consume food excessively, we treat food as the object of filling desire instead of hunger, and then it is food that is consuming us. Food turns us into uncontrollable monsters that devour food.


And this incident also made me think about some of the "you are what you eat" concept of self-cultivation, and the uncontrolled attempts to eat wild taste, and the use of food as an object to release emotions have made us food monsters. We are in a consumerist society, we are flooded with fast food, convenience food, refined food, microwave food ... we are curious and try wild animals, we are emotional and overeating. Because food is readily available, we do not need to cherish food, and in turn, these industrialized foods have turned us into monsters that devour food.​​​​​​​

Food Monster  I  食物怪物系列是我对食物的一个反向思考,一直以来我拍的都是食物的美好,从2019年就一直在思考食物和人的关系,这次的肺炎事件更加深了我对食物危险一面的方面的研究。而我想做的不是引起人对食物的担忧或者是恐慌,而是更有意识的选择食物和食用食物,在享受的同时不要忽略食物也有危险的一面。
The Food Monster series is my reverse thinking about food. I have always been taking pictures of the beauty of food. I have been thinking about the relationship between food and people since 2019. This Coronavirus incident has deepened my understanding of food. Research on the side of food danger. What I want to do is not to cause people to worry about food or panic, but to choose food and eat food more consciously. Don't ignore the dangerous side of food while enjoying.

而过度食用 ,当停不下来的那一刻 



We are vege Monsters

We are fish Monsters

We are bread Monsters

We are meat Monsters
We are noodles Monsters
We are chicken Monsters
We are sugar Monsters
Food monster

Food monster



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