Tips to Maintain the Lawn Mower
Lawn mowers are the main equipment for maintaining garden, to cut grass and unwanted plants. Two types of lawn mowers are available, they are manual run and petrol or electric run lawn mowers.

List of Tips to maintain the lawn mowers
Read and follow the user manual:
User manual of this product tells about how to use and take care about this product for better performance. If the customer follows each point mentioned in the user manual and follows those points for maintaining lawn mower equipment, then you will be happy with this product without getting any troubles from the product.

Drain the petrol at the end of each season:
The main suspect for product trouble shooting is using old gasoline oil in the engine, you should remove the gasoline at the end of each season and use new gasoline in the spring season.

Monitor the oil level:
Check the oil level in the engine and check the floating debris or dark black color that appears in the oil. Old or contaminated oil should be replaced with the new oil. Read user manual for correct method and type of oil to be used for maintaining best condition of the engine.

Inspect the air filter and change the spark plug:
A blocked air filter puts stress on the mower and provide less efficiency in gas burning system. An annual replacement of air filter should be done for better performance.
Like air filter, spark plug is important for lawn mower. It is inexpensive and very easy to replace for better performance.

KisanKraft have great tools to get you growing pretty flowers & fresh fruits and vegetables. We can help reduce the manual work you put into nurturing plants and have more time to relax.

Please visit our website to know more about garden tools:
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