This is one of the earlier projects in Audio After Effects I've done, so it's nothing to really be excited about, but it's the first time I synced audio up with images in After Effects. The rotating star was just something silly that I added, and I wanted to add an element of surprise to the whole thing, so I added the mango. The Bill and Ted scene was supposed to be the afterwords response for the mango, but the audio from that clip aligned with the beat drop, so I had to play around with the volume of the clip for a few tries before I got it. I'm mostly proud of the music in the background. While it's a good bit of music used often in a lot of memes and gifs, I didn't use the music from them. I got the whole song and cut it down to the bits that I wanted, which took the longest amount of time out of the whole process. Mostly, I learned how to edit audio efficiently through a lot of trial and error, which is a skill I'm most likely going to need in the future.
Click, click, click

Click, click, click



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