Perfil de Arturo Aguirre

FHL 2020 Speakers Avatars

Click Funnels Funnel Hacking Live 2020

Late last year I was tasked to design the avatars of the speakers of the Funnel Hacking Live 2020 event that was held in Nashville, Tennessee last month.  I have been blessed to work with Click Funnels for a few years and this was a great project to work on.  Here I share some of the process I took to design the avatars.  
1. First I was given a photo along with two style reference images that I had to match or mash the styles.
2. Once the style was approved I then had to draw the 19 speakers of the event in this style.  It is a great exercise for style consistency.
3. Some likenesses were harder to arrive at but thanks to my client's feedback I was able to give them exactly what they were after.
4. The next step was to take one of these avatars to final color.
5. The last step was to take all the other designs to the same level of finish and place them on a color background that would allow them to pop.  
This was a great project to work on and I am very happy with how these turned out. 

If you would like avatars of your team or special guests at your event you can contact me
FHL 2020 Speakers Avatars


FHL 2020 Speakers Avatars

Avatars designed of the speakers of this year's Funnel Hacking Live 2020 event from Click Funnels.
