This project is currently being updated. My contribution to this project was to create an interface for a soccer-focused application where people would be able to find soccer videos of teams, players or matches. I worked closely with developers to make sure the app would work well in IOS and Android environments. 

The idea of the application, branding, and wireframes of the project were already made and I helped to create a better use and understanding of the user experience, creating different motifs, expanding their design line and creating more of their feel and look.
Dugout designs was led by a project manager which had feedback from developers, testers, the client and me through JIRA and Slack software, ensuring the application would be effective and reach the goals and results needed. I designed Dugout’s platform which runs in Apple Tv, Fire Tv, IOS and Android devices.

In the process of the application I sketched different ways to present the designs, I created two different design prototypes and created the user flow in order to better understand the product and what the client wanted. Due to the application is a video service which includes updates of their features and information, I decided to find some inspiration in the most popular social networks like Instagram and Facebook to try and find a good balance of white space without overwhelming users due to the amount of features shown in the application. 
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Dugour. Video service network

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