Stephan Takkens profil

Interactive Installation: Auditive Rain Experience

We were asked to design, develop and build an interactive installation for a public space in a three months period. We chose a city park as location and wondered if we could design shelter in which you could do something with rain. We came up with the idea to listen to rain on different materials because this is something you would normally pay no attention to.
Paper prototyping the panel
Paper prototyping the panel
Paper prototyping the panel
Paper prototyping the panel and its angle/positioning
Adding a lot of wires to make it provide feedback to the user of which particular material he is listening to
Et Voila! This user puts his finger on the detector but you could actually just hover your hand over the panel
Here is the roof in construction, you see 6 frames that are going to hold the different materials
From top left to bottom right: whin plastic, thick plastic, glass, alluminium, wood, hard plastic
Presenting the prototype in the snow and with no rain whatsoever.
Adding artificial rain, not a very constant stream but it was sufficient to demo the prototype
Interactive Installation: Auditive Rain Experience

Interactive Installation: Auditive Rain Experience

This project shows a proof of concept of an interactive installation located in a park that works when it rains.
