Exposed Aggregate
Exposed aggregate driveways for Brisbane customers
For many years, we've been providing top-notch driveway building services within the greater Brisbane area. one among the areas we specialize in is building exposed aggregate driveways for residential and commercial properties.
While typical concrete driveways are built by smoothing out the surface of the concrete before it's left to dry, exposed aggregate driveways take the other route. Exposed aggregate is completed by exposing the concrete mixture before adding a spread of small rocks and pebbles to make a singular , often multi-colored, finish.
Our team will have you ever determine the sort , grade, and size of the stones which will be utilized in your driveway so you get full control over how the finished product will appear as if . Exposed aggregate driveways look elegant and unique.
The pebbles that are added into the concrete also creates an edge allowing people and cars to travel by even on rainy days. we will also add in pigments and a high-quality sealer to offer your driveway a natural-looking and long-wearing surface.
Exposed Aggregate

Exposed Aggregate

Exposed aggregate driveways for Brisbane customers For many years, we've been providing top-notch driveway building services within the greater B Se mer
