Adrian Farr 的個人檔案

COVID-19: The Fear Is Deadly

​​​​​​​Timor Mortiferum
​​​​​​​(The Fear Is Deadly)
We fear what we cannot see. We fear what we cannot understand. We fear what we cannot control. We fear what might change. We fear what we might lose. We fear the unknown. We fear extinction.
Fear spreads faster than any virus
Since the outbreak of the new Coronavirus in China, fear has been rising and rapidly spreading like wildfire. With that fear we have seen an increase in racism and hatred, specifically towards Asian people.
Whenever we see a mask, we inadvertently assume the worst and fear what evil might be lurking behind it.

We see a Muslim woman wearing a Niqab and we fear them as terrorists. We see a Chinese person wearing a surgical mask and we fear them as disease carriers. But more often, with the way that world events are reported, we don't even need to see a mask anymore to feel a sense of fear; only a different skin colour.

We've become blindsided and have lost sight of the real threat, the real enemy, the real villain in the story:

Death is not prejudiced. It does not discriminate. It does not judge. It comes for each and every one of us!
Artistic interpretation of the Coronavirus
I don't know how we can fight disease or infection. I don't how we can stop racism and hatred. But as an artist, as a conceptual photographer, as a fantasy writer, director, creator and storyteller, what I can do is try to give fear an identity, so that maybe, we might just possibly be able to find a way to be less afraid of it.

Because fear also protects us and keeps us safe. Fear gives us a heightened sense of awareness. Fear makes us focus and forces us to be present in the moment. Fear gives us clarity on what is most important to us.

I believe fantasy allows us a unique way to step back and find the courage to confront real world problems.

So in light of current events, I wanted to create an image that was a conceptual representation of fear itself. I wanted to create my own artistic interpretation of the Coronavirus, layered with metaphorical symbols and hidden meanings. Taking inspiration from Norse mythology and my love for epic fantasy, whilst blending it with a video game style boss; my goal was to create a character that was deadly, ruthless and erratic. But an enemy that could still be defeated, if only we come together and learn its weaknesses.
Thank you for supporting my work. Please like, comment & share!

Copyright Adrian Farr 2020. All Rights Reserved.
If you would like to licence this image or purchase it as a print, then please email: This will help me fund future and bigger projects, so that I can continue to create more high impact artworks that are meaningful and which have a real purpose..
COVID-19: The Fear Is Deadly

COVID-19: The Fear Is Deadly

A conceptual representation of fear and an artistic interpretation of the deadly coronavirus, portrayed as a fantasy character. An effort to crea 閱讀更多
