Nathan Parry 的个人资料

Urban Coding Booklet

. :: URBAN CODES :: .
With this university project, the brief set was to design a book consisting of 10 spreads minimum based on a subject of my choice.
I chose to base my book design on a collation of code types which are found around Southampton city centre (UK). From this I used photography as the main communication of found code which I have then built my designs upon. Additionally I converted the body text into a form of code which is still remains legible but requires a short time to translate and read.
The front cover of my book has a title coded in Morse Code which when decoded says "Code" and has been laser cut into the front cover letting the paper stock colour underneath to show through.
For the structure and presentation of my book design, I used Japanese stab stitch for the book binding, a belly band to keep the book tidy and together with french folded pages within the book and Linnen paper stock being the primary stock which the book content has been printed on.
I split my book design into short chapters that consist of different types of code which are; Manhole covers, Signage, Light and motif's (I chose motifs as a form of visual code because a motif itself uses a form of repetition sequencing which can be manipulated into representing code).
In the motif section, I used motif's to create; Morse Code, Braille and a Barcode using different images.
As throughout the book, I also implemented tipped in paper stocks such as tracing paper, metalic paper, acetate and water colour paper which enhances the visual representation of code.
The photography captured throughout this book was capured using both film (used in manhole and motif sections) and digital (used in light and signage sections).
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Urban Coding Booklet

Urban Coding Booklet

A book design containing a collation of types of found code in Southampton - University independent project
