Дипломная работа по книге английской писательницы Дианы Уинн Джонс
«Ходячий замок»
My final degree project book «Howl’s Moving Castle»
Формат / Format
248 страниц / pages

17 - полосных иллюстраций / illustrations
33 - заставки / miniature
4 - pop-up конструкции / pop-up designs
Сhapter 2. In which Sophie is compelled to seek her fortune
Сhapter 4. In which Sophie discovers several strange things
Сhapter 9. In which Michael has trouble with a spell
Сhapter 16. In which there is a great deal of witchcraft
Сhapter 17. In which the moving castle moves house
Pop-up constructions in the video ↷
music — Silent Partner «Big Screen»​​​​​​​
Спасибо за внимание!
Thanks for attention!
Howl's Moving Castle Novel


Howl's Moving Castle Novel

for my book graduation project «Howl’s Moving Castle»
