iDB 50 | Smallness is Intentional

Many people think that Taiwan's industries are kind of small.
But you may not know that certain smallness is intentional.

Small like fine threads,  they are woven into high-performance fabrics creating revolutionary fiber products. In countless competitions, they helped your sports heroes winning championships after championships.

We not only manufacture electrosurgical scalpels,  but also monitor surfaces of microorganisms that are barely visible. Moreover, our cutting-edge aseptic processes are meticulously controlled so that at the most critical moment they can save your life.

Not to mention your smartphones Hidden within are the super mini chips for better power conservation, and faster real-time processing of massive amount of information. Their precision in each millimeter load is unparalleled.

Based on our solid technological foundation, we have deliberately picked these impossibly tiny domains to create things that seem negligible.We also strive for circularity and sustainability.
Now supply chains around the world are respectfully recognizing us as a major league.

We are Taiwan's industry.
Smallness is the greatest power of our competitiveness.​​​​​​​

Directed by Bito
Client:台灣設計研究院 Taiwan Design Research Institute
Creative Director:劉耕名 Keng-Ming Liu
Director:江晉源 Jimmy Chiang
Copy Director:黃心怡 Vicki Huang
Project Manager : 劉妤暄 Tammy Liu
Ideation:黃心怡 Vicki Huang / 江晉源 Jimmy Chiang
Storyboard:江晉源 Jimmy Chiang
Logo Design:林祺泰 Chi Tai Lin
Lead Designer:邵偉豪 Wei-Hao Shao
Designer:黃鈺凱 Tifu Huang
Editing:江晉源 Jimmy Chiang / 邵偉豪 Wei-Hao Shao
Lead Animator:邵偉豪 Wei-Hao Shao
Animator:黃鈺凱 Tifu Huang / 蔡易廷 Eating Tsai
Color Grading:高慶和 Chin-Ho Kao
Filming Crew:
Producer : 江函儒 Han-Ju Chiang
Director of Photography:劉書銓 Shane Liu
Lighting : 林宏洋 Hung Yang Lin
Lighting Assistants:鄭智遠 Chih Yuan Cheng / 葉丞遠 Cheng Yuan Yeh
Model:賴怡鈞 Linda Lai

Special Thanks:
中磊電子SERCOMM CORPORATION / 春池玻璃 Spring Pool Glass / 橋椿金屬Sunspring Metal Corporation / 新漢科技NEXCOM International Co., Ltd. / 美利達工業 MERIDA BIKES/ 盈錫精密工業YINSH PRECISION INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. / 上銀科技HIWIN Technologies Corp. / 大江生醫TCI CO., Ltd. / 大瓏企業NEW DEANTRONICS LTD. / 儒鴻企業Eclat TEXTILE CO., LTD.

iDB 50 | Smallness is Intentional
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iDB 50 | Smallness is Intentional

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